Tutorz.com Newsletter February

35,000+ Tutors
Tutorz.com is now the largest tutor search in the United States with more than 35,000 tutors in its search. This is wonderful news for students and parents because now our clients have an even better chance to find a qualified and trusted tutor near home.
Even if students live in *smaller* cities such as Fresno, CA or Biloxi, MS they have a very good chance to find the perfect tutor. Also, if they are looking for a for tutor teaching rare subjects like thermodynamics or computational neuroscience Tutorz.com is the best chance to find that elusive helper.

Dariya Lopukhina – Director of Customer Service
Dariya LopukhinaLet’s welcome Dariya Lopukhina, our new director of customer service. Dariya joins Tutorz with 7 years of experience serving clients from all over the world. Her interactions with Tutorz.com clients are very courteous, professional and concise. If you have sent an email to contact@tutorz.com or called 805-288-7338 then you might have already got to know her kind nature. If not, we recommend to contact her, even if it just to say hi! (Her favorite topics besides tutoring include dogs, pets, and cooking.)

Tutorz Winter Party
On February 2nd, 2012 a winter party was held at the office of Tutorz.com. The occasion was used to properly welcome Dariya Lopukhina as the director of customer service and to celebrate January 2012 as the best performing month in recent history. The party began with a wonderful presentation by Dirk Wagner, founder and CEO, that focused on recent financial and web statistics data. Dirk highlighted Tutorz’ success in saying: “Our ever increasing revenue demonstrates that Tutorz.com has understood the tutoring market and built the right product to satisfy our customer needs.” In addition to the educational lecture, appetizers, food and drink, prepared by Ruslan, Office Manager at Tutorz, were a tasty treat for the audience.

Tutor of the Month: Adam Levin
 Adam Levin - tutor of the monthWhile Adam is currently attending St. Joseph University for his Masters in Elementary Education and Special Education he has already been certified as a teacher by the Philadelphia Teaching Fellows, which is a highly selective alternative certification program. Adam stands out for responding very quickly and courteous to his new potential clients. Visit Adam Levin’s profile.

The Tutorz.com Team

Bryan McNutt

About Bryan McNutt

Bryan is Director of Marketing at Tutorz.com. He holds a BA degree in Business and Economics at Cal State Channel Islands Bryan. His strong interest in education and family background has molded him into an effective team member at Tutorz.com.
This entry was posted in About Us.

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