Found 4 database tutors in Austin, TX 73301.

Erick O.

Austin 78745 · 3 miles from downtown · $15/hour · teaches Oracle Database, Reading

Erick Ochoa specializes in Spanish because he is a native speaker. He lives in Austin, TX. Feel free to contact Erick through the form on your left.

member for 5 years and 5 months
Ryan K.

Austin 78702 · 4 miles from downtown · $54/hour · teaches HTML - SQL - PHP - JQuery -

Finally, we will get into more advanced stages of programming by creating forms and collecting information that is submitted into a database where you will learn PHP and SQL. I would like to share my experiences with...

 is a certified tutor certified
Nisha A. · Masters in Computer Sc,Maths,Physics

Austin 73301 · 0 miles from downtown · $30/hour · teaches Creative Writing, Database

We are a group of 3 graduates from the University of Trento majoring in Advanced Mathematics, Data Science and Experimental Physics. We have been teaching for the last 5 years (online for 4 years) and have helped...

 is a certified tutor certified, member for 4 years and 12 months
Chadi E.

Austin 78729 · 16 miles from downtown · $60/hour · teaches SQL - Linux - Oracle

...gained experience in solving real problems and acquired experience in Database Management Systems and Computer Programming. I had the opportunities to train and mentor many of my co-workers and enjoyed...

 is a certified tutor certified