Found 3 archaeology tutors in Mesa, AZ 85201.

Mary S.

Mesa 85213 · 5 miles from downtown · $70/hour · teaches ADHD - Archaeology - Classics

Dr. Martin Luther College, Education, History University of Arizona, Masters I am a youthful retired teacher with over 40 years of successful classroom experience.

 is a certified tutor certified
Stephanie J.

San Tan Valley 85143 · 25 miles from 85201 · $40/hour · teaches Grammar - Writing -

...archaeology and museum studies. I am passionate about anthropology and I have a wide variety of interests within the field including archaeology, cultural anthropology, museum studies, and indigenous studies.

 is a certified tutor certified
Chip L.

Glendale 85308 · 25 miles from 85201 · $75/hour · teaches American History - Spanish -

...archaeology, religion, and archaeology classes. I studied the Bible with both of those degrees and the Bible speaks to some of the great areas of life and wisdom. In mid-career, I worked as a pastor to pastors...

 is a certified tutor certified