How it Works: for Students

The entire process of screening, communicating and hiring a tutor is FREE for students.

step 1 - screen tutoring candidates

Screen Tutoring Candidates

Choose from 28,838 personal tutors near your home anywhere from New York to LA.

step 2 - send tutoring job

Send Tutoring Job

Contact one or more tutors. Describe your tutoring needs.

step 3 - interview and negotiate

Interview and Negotiate

Receive tutor's contact information. Interview tutor and negotiate price.

How it Works: for Tutors

step 1 - create tutoring profile

Create Your Tutoring Profile

Please enter your first and last name.
Please enter your valid email address.  is already in use. Choose a different email to register or login to your existing account.
Password must be at least 6 symbols.
Passwords don't match, please retype.
Please check the captcha.
Please correct the error(s) above.
step 2 - receive tutoring jobs

Receive Tutoring Jobs

When students or parents look for tutors they eventually come to TutorZ. At TutorZ they search for the best tutor for their needs. If your qualifications, location and price match with the students needs they will contact you for your tutoring services. Then you receive an email from TutorZ letting you know you have received a tutoring job. Log into your account to check for these tutoring jobs. In your account home page you'll see these new jobs as shown in this example below: how it works - sample job

TutorZ employs advanced marketing techniques to drive potential new clients onto your tutoring profile. You can expect several jobs per month. If you wish to receive more jobs you can help TutorZ to promote its services by telling your fellow tutors and friends as well as Facebook LIKE your profile page.

step 3 - Purchase and Manage Jobs

Purchase and Manage Jobs

Once you have received one or many tutoring jobs you can communicate with your potential client. However, before you can do that you must purchase this tutoring job (or lead). Purchasing a job is done by clicking on the red "Purchase Job" button shown in the example below: how it works - sample job

The price of the job depends on the quality of the student's information and ranges from $2 to $3. We compute the quality of a job from measures such as specificity of content, geographic region, metadata, and the student's past history.

Of course, you can choose not to purchase the job for reasons such as you're not available for tutoring, the subject does not match your qualifications or the purchase prices is too high. For whatever reason please indicate your decline on the box "Decline job for reason:". When you do this your profile rating and ranking increases.

Old jobs can be archived so that they are no longer visible in your inbox. This helps to keep your account clean and organized. But a tutoring job will never be deleted, just in case you want to access the contact information of an old client.