Found 9 Latin tutors in Baltimore, MD 21201.
Windsor Mill 21244 · 9 miles from 21201 · $40/hour · teaches Latin - Reading -
Fourah Bay College University of Sierra Leone, French,Latin, Lingui Business administration, strayer university, MBA Loyola University Baltimore, MD, Masters I have been teaching...

Baltimore 21230 · 2 miles from downtown · $65/hour · teaches Latin - Writing -
Most recently, I have taught courses on classical mythology and religion, philosophy, and ancient languages (Greek and Latin) at Brown and the University of Maryland. As a teacher, I work hard to engage my students...

Baltimore 21211 · 3 miles from downtown · $100/hour · teaches Microsoft PowerPoint -
I currently teach Spanish at Johns Hopkins University and previously taught for six years at the University of Maryland, College Park, where I worked with students at all levels—from essential grammar...

Ellicott City 21043 · 10 miles from 21201 · $60/hour · teaches European History - Latin
Hampden-Sydney College, Government, Ancient Greek University of Virginia, MEd Based in Central Virginia, I am a 2017 graduate of Hampden-Sydney College, where I studied Ancient Greek, Latin...

Severn 21144 · 12 miles from 21201 · $55/hour · teaches Grammar - Reading - Spanish -
...Hispanic/Latin culture. Additionally, I am a mom of 5 little ones. I love helping my own children foster a love for education and am hopeful that I can be of help to you (or your child) as well!

Westminster 21157 · 26 miles from 21201 · $80/hour · teaches Calculus - Latin - SAT
I left academia some years ago, but continued to tutor privately in Latin, math, and SAT prep. I have enjoyed tutoring very much, and so wish to offer my services more widely. I received a 790 on the math SAT and...

Silver Spring 20902 · 28 miles from 21201 · $70/hour · teaches Latin - Greek -
I have a passion for the languages of the Classical world, that is Ancient Greek and Classical Latin. I read them on a daily basis and teach my son Latin. I also teach online Ancient Greek from the book Athenaze.

Silver Spring 20910 · 30 miles from 21201 · $42/hour · teaches American History -
...Fairfax County Board of Education Graduate Coursework in Latin American Studies, Georgetown University "Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire."

Silver Spring 20904 · 25 miles from 21201 · $35/hour · teaches Geometry, Latin, Logic
I graduated from the Catholic University of America with a B.A., majoring in philosophy and minoring in mathematics. I have been math tutoring since 2003 and am a certified tutor with the American Tutoring Association.