Found 4 tutors in Vidalia, GA 30474.
Vidalia 30474 · 0 miles from downtown · $40/hour · teaches Elementary Math
Thomas Edison State, History and English I have an Associate's Degree in Firearms Technology. I have Bachelor's Degrees in History, English, and Communications. I am currently working on my Master's in Business...
certifiedCobbtown 30420 · 18 miles from 30474 · $35/hour · teaches Grammar - General Computer -
University of Phoenix, Information Technology University of Phoenix, Masters Hello. I'm a former college instructor who taught 'Introduction to Computers' and 'Advanced Word Processing Techniques'...
certifiedHazlehurst 31539 · 22 miles from 30474 · $40/hour · teaches Prealgebra
Georgia Souther University, undergrad I have 16 years of experience teaching high school math ranging from pre-Algebra to Calculus II. I enjoy teaching students the way that they learn best.
certifiedSwainsboro 30401 · 28 miles from 30474 · $35/hour · teaches Grammar - Phonics - Reading
Valdosta State University, Early Childhood Ed Hello! I’m Brooke. I graduated in 2014 from Valdosta State University with a degree in Early Childhood Education. In fall of that year, I began my first teaching job as...