Alyson's picture - 29 ACT 3.86 GPA Associate Degree Tutor tutor in Kosciusko MS

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Why do you need tutoring?

Ms. Alyson T.

specializes in 29 ACT 3.86 GPA Associate Degree Tutor · female

"I come from a line of teachers. I’ve been helping kids after school since the 6th grade. I have now moved on to online assistance for my classmates and you!

I have helped tutor for final exams and regular classwork. I’ve worked for college students, high schoolers, and teachers looking to better themselves. I’ve found my talent and want to help others with it.

25 ACT in math


"I come from a line of teachers. I’ve been helping kids after school since the 6th grade. I have now moved on to online assistance for my classmates and you!

I have helped tutor for final exams and regular classwork. I’ve worked for college students, high schoolers, and teachers looking to better themselves. I’ve found my talent and want to help others with it.

25 ACT in math

I passed college calculus and have helped pass statistics classes.

28 ACT in Science

I majored in biological sciences and have a strong passion in this field.

30 ACT in English

33 ACT in Reading

I can reword a passage to make it understandable for most ranges of literacy.

I look forward to you contacting me and putting your faith in my abilities. For any other questions please contact me." less...


fee: $35 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 20 miles
meeting type: in-person (not online)


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Alyson T. is a certified tutor


Kosciusko, MS 39090

Subjects Tutored

English - Anatomy