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Mr. Sebastian B.

specializes in Author of Python for Bioinformatics book · male

"I am a biotechnologist who worked in bioinformatics research and gave support to the DNA sequencing of the mitochondrial of tomato. Most of the time I used the Python programming language, together with different tools like databases (relations and non-relational), web servers, cloud technologies like AWS, GCP, and more.

Python is a powerful language but it is never enough, depending on your goals more...

"I am a biotechnologist who worked in bioinformatics research and gave support to the DNA sequencing of the mitochondrial of tomato. Most of the time I used the Python programming language, together with different tools like databases (relations and non-relational), web servers, cloud technologies like AWS, GCP, and more.

Python is a powerful language but it is never enough, depending on your goals you may need to learn another technology like databases, HTML, web development, automation testing, etc. I can support your entire journey. In most cases, by teaching the subjects you need or pointing you in the right direction when I can't help you directly. I taught Python at different levels and in different settings. Like people with no knowledge of programming and also to people who already uses computer language and want to update their skills.

I am a software developer who worked for major companies like Autodesk, Google, National Geographic. Now I have my own company where I teach Python and related technologies.

If you want to learn Python and related technologies, please don't hesitate to call me." less...


fee: $65 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 20 miles
meeting type: either in-person or online


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Sebastian B. is a certified tutor

Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Masters

Berkeley, CA 94709

Subjects Tutored

Python - Linux - UNIX