Wesley's picture - Biology and Chemistry Tutor tutor in Chicago IL

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Mr. Wesley H.

specializes in Biology and Chemistry Tutor · male

"I'm Wesley! I graduated from Bowdoin College in 2021 with a degree in Biology with departmental honors. In college, I was lucky to have incredible experiences with engaging professors and I hope to utilize that same method with my students. I do my very best to make tutoring an enjoyable experience for my students and foster in them the same love for learning that I do. I know that everyone learns more...

"I'm Wesley! I graduated from Bowdoin College in 2021 with a degree in Biology with departmental honors. In college, I was lucky to have incredible experiences with engaging professors and I hope to utilize that same method with my students. I do my very best to make tutoring an enjoyable experience for my students and foster in them the same love for learning that I do. I know that everyone learns differently, and I'm more than willing to take the time to work with students in whatever way works for them.

While I was in college, I often found myself as the leader in impromptu study groups throughout my Biology coursework. Through that, I learned that I loved teaching others and finding ways for them to understand difficult concepts. Additionally, after graduating, I served as a mentor to high school students at the state science fair. I enjoyed my time working with them as they designed and executed their experiments. After graduating, I worked as a researcher in an infectious disease laboratory for 2 years and now I am currently enrolled in medical school. Through these experiences, I've developed a wealth of knowledge about Biology, Chemistry, and Biochemistry that I would love to share with students.

Please reach out to me with any questions and I will get back to you as fast as I can!" less...


fee: $53 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 5 miles
meeting type: either in-person or online


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Wesley H. is a certified tutor

Bowdoin College, Biology

Chicago, IL 60615

Subjects Tutored

Biology - Chemistry - Biochemistry - Elementary Science - MCAT