Rene's picture - Business Marketing Sales Management / Certified Web Developer tutor in Austin TX

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Mr. Rene G.

specializes in Business Marketing Sales Management / Certified Web Developer · male

"My name is Rene; I have completed a degree in Business/Management from Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas and I have completed a Web Developers Certification from Austin Community College

I have been working in Sales/Marketing for 15 years.

My educational background is strong in Business, Investing, History, Science, Reading, and Writing, and I have a finance background as I hold a more...

"My name is Rene; I have completed a degree in Business/Management from Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas and I have completed a Web Developers Certification from Austin Community College

I have been working in Sales/Marketing for 15 years.

My educational background is strong in Business, Investing, History, Science, Reading, and Writing, and I have a finance background as I hold a license authorized and granted in the State of Texas to practice insurance and personal finance; I hold a Web Developers Certification. I am an expert at WordPress! I am trained as a full stack web developer. I am familiar with javaScript, CSS, SASS, HTML, Java, SQL, back-end development, and statistics.

My work background can help others by sharing my professional experiences in the corporate world.

I have formal tutoring experience, I have taken advantage of tutoring centers in my undergraduate studies.

I am available Monday, Saturday, Sunday 10 am-5 pm" less...


fee: $40 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 20 miles
meeting type: either in-person or online


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Rene G. is a certified tutor

Texas State University - San Marcos, Business Management

Ausutin Community College - Web Developers Certification, Other

Texas Department of Insurance, Other

Austin, TX 78728

Subjects Tutored

American History - Microsoft Excel - Microsoft Word - Microsoft PowerPoint - English - HTML - Adobe Photoshop - SQL - Law - Web Design - Video Production - Business - College Counseling - Dreamweaver - Marketing - Microsoft Outlook - Microsoft Windows - PHP - Graphic Design