John's picture - Certified Elementary and Middle School Tutor tutor in Greensboro NC

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Mr. John S.

specializes in Certified Elementary and Middle School Tutor · male

"Hello! My name is John and I have been in education since 2004. I have taught elementary school for 10 years and for 7 of my years in education I served as an assistant principal at a large middle school of nearly 1,200 students.

I have a masters degree in literacy and I'm certified to teach elementary and middle school students K-6 and reading for students K-12. I have been tutoring students for more...

"Hello! My name is John and I have been in education since 2004. I have taught elementary school for 10 years and for 7 of my years in education I served as an assistant principal at a large middle school of nearly 1,200 students.

I have a masters degree in literacy and I'm certified to teach elementary and middle school students K-6 and reading for students K-12. I have been tutoring students for my entire education career. Like many teachers I began face to face either at local libraries or in students homes, however the pandemic has had me switch to online tutoring which has greatly expanded my reach and I have now worked with students from all over the United States." less...


fee: $45 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 40 miles
meeting type: either in-person or online


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: John S. is a certified tutor

Florida Gulf Coast University, Elementary Education

Florida Gulf Coast University, MEd

University of North Carolina Greensboro, MEd

Greensboro, NC 27455

Subjects Tutored

Reading - Spelling - Elementary Science - Elementary (K-6th)