Carol's picture - Certified Elementary School Teacher - 30 Years Experience tutor in Valhalla NY

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Ms. Carol Anne P.

specializes in Certified Elementary School Teacher - 30 Years Experience · female

"My name is Carol Anne Paraskevaides. I received my Bachelor’s degree in early childhood from the University of Rhode Island, and my Masters in education at Western Connecticut State University. This will be my 30th year teaching. I taught K-2nd for 17 years and third grade for the last 13 years. I have a true love and passion for teaching. Helping each child progress in all areas of their development is what I strive for. I promote a positive, fun environment where each child is engaged and excited about learning. I specialize in reading and writing support. My student’s state test scores in both ELA and math reflect my experience and success in these areas." 


fee: $100 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 20 miles
meeting type: in-person (not online)


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Carol Anne P. is a certified tutor

University of Rhode Island, Early Childhood K-Fifth

May 27, 1990, Masters

western connecticut state university, Masters

Valhalla, NY 10595

Subjects Tutored

Vocabulary - Phonics - Reading - Writing - Spelling - Elementary Math - Elementary (K-6th)