Dennis's picture - Certified Level 2 Wilson Dyslexia Therapist (WDT) tutor in Euclid OH

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Mr. Dennis R.

specializes in Certified Level 2 Wilson Dyslexia Therapist (WDT) · male

"Hello. My name is Dennis R., I am married and have 4 wonderful kids who in turn have provided me with 6 super grandkids, so I understand the psychology of kids. I was raised in Cleveland, Ohio but raised my kids in Denver, Colorado. I am back in Cleveland and have 10 years experience in Urban Schools in North East Ohio as a Middle School Intervention Specialist with a 5 year professional license from more...

"Hello. My name is Dennis R., I am married and have 4 wonderful kids who in turn have provided me with 6 super grandkids, so I understand the psychology of kids. I was raised in Cleveland, Ohio but raised my kids in Denver, Colorado. I am back in Cleveland and have 10 years experience in Urban Schools in North East Ohio as a Middle School Intervention Specialist with a 5 year professional license from the state of Ohio and I have a Master's Degree as a Dyslexia Specialist.

I specialize and will only tutor students that are dyslexic or have sound symbols deficiencies of the alphabet. I use the (Wade) Wilson assessment of decoding and encoding in order to place you into the program. Once placed into the program, a 6 step process or 6 books completion are needed to become proficient in a systematic manner beginning with closed syllables venturing into V-C-e syllables, open syllables and finally consonant le syllables.

Reading and writing is constantly intertwined within the lessons in order to rewire the neurons connecting the brain to the mouth, eyes and hands. I love to teach Wilson!" less...


fee: $135 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 20 miles
meeting type: either in-person or online


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Dennis R. is a certified tutor

Cleveland State University, Political Science

Fitchburg Sate University, MEd

Euclid, OH 44123

Subjects Tutored
