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Nikola P.

specializes in Chemistry/Physics Tutor ·

"Hi, my name is Nikola. I currently teach high school Chemistry, AP Chemistry, and Honors Physics. I love science and love when my students get the "lightbulb" when they understand a difficult topic. My teaching style is mainly focused on "I do, we do, you do." I think the most important part of learning physical science is doing problems. However, I do adjust my teaching to match my students' learning more...

"Hi, my name is Nikola. I currently teach high school Chemistry, AP Chemistry, and Honors Physics. I love science and love when my students get the "lightbulb" when they understand a difficult topic. My teaching style is mainly focused on "I do, we do, you do." I think the most important part of learning physical science is doing problems. However, I do adjust my teaching to match my students' learning styles when tutoring.

My goal is to help students with physical science. But I also strive to help with developing the academic skills necessary to be successful in rigorous courses. This includes managing their time, paying attention to important deadlines, encouraging strong work ethic, and teaching how to ask for help when needed. This is very important for specific outcomes such as passing the AP exams with a specific score, improving grades in a current classes, or improving the chances of getting accepted to specific universities.

I have a B.S. in Biochemistry from the University of California Santa Barbara along with many upper division chemistry classes. Before entering the teaching profession I worked in biotech for over 10 years. This work focused on extraction, amplification, and purification of DNA and RNA.

My tutoring is geared towards learning conceptual physical science knowledge and how to apply that to real world and real classroom problems. I love learning and consider myself a life long student. I strive to create the same passion for learning in my students. I welcome any resources or suggestions from students and parents!" less...


fee: $100 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 40 miles
meeting type: either in-person or online


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Nikola P. is a certified tutor

University of California Santa Barbara, Biochemistry

Fresno State University, Graduate Coursework

Kingsburg, CA 93631

Subjects Tutored

Chemistry - Physics - Physical Science