Daniela's picture - Chemistry Tutor tutor in Orange NJ

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Ms. Daniela N.

specializes in Chemistry Tutor · female

"Hello! My name is Daniela. I am currently a Ph. D student in the field of chemistry. As a graduate student, I am a part-time teaching assisted for college chemistry. As an undergraduate student, I worked as a STEM Tutor. I love teaching my passion to others in a way that they can truly understand and not just memorize. I have 3 years of paid tutoring experience in Chemistry. I'm flexible and willing to work with different schedules.

I have my Bachelor's in Chemistry with a concentration in Medicinal Chemistry. I am currently a graduate student studying Chemistry." 


fee: $60 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 40 miles
meeting type: either in-person or online


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Daniela N. is a certified tutor

Saint Peter's University, Chemistry

Seton Hall University, MEd

Orange, NJ 07050

Subjects Tutored

Chemistry - Spanish