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Ms. Amanda B.

specializes in Dedicated English and Reading Tutor · female

"Hello! My name is Amanda, and I am a classroom teacher as well as a full-time English and reading tutor. I earned my Bachelor's degree at UCO, with a major in Theater and Communications Education (speech, drama, debate) and a minor in English. I graduated with a 3.6 overall GPA back in 2020. I am currently an Oklahoma-certified teacher in the areas of my study. While I am in the end of my 3rd year of more...

"Hello! My name is Amanda, and I am a classroom teacher as well as a full-time English and reading tutor. I earned my Bachelor's degree at UCO, with a major in Theater and Communications Education (speech, drama, debate) and a minor in English. I graduated with a 3.6 overall GPA back in 2020. I am currently an Oklahoma-certified teacher in the areas of my study. While I am in the end of my 3rd year of classroom experience, I have tutored both in person and remotely for over 4 years. Ages of my students have ranged from 1st grade all the way through high school.

I am a huge believer in the power of a quality education, and I believe that there is no "one-size-fits-all" method for providing such. All students are different and require a unique approach to learning and growing. I am passionate about helping children and teenagers reach their full potential. As reading and writing are the foundation for many other subjects and practices, I believe these skills must be sharpened appropriately." less...


fee: $65 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 10 miles
meeting type: online (only)


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Amanda B. is a certified tutor

University of Central Oklahoma, Communications, Eng

Oklahoma City, OK 73120

Subjects Tutored

Vocabulary - Grammar - Reading - Study Skills - Writing - English - Literature - Proofreading - SAT Writing - Spelling - ACT Reading - ACT English - Handwriting - Theater - Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)