Michele's picture - Effective and Patient Academic Tutor tutor in Richmond VA

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Why do you need tutoring?

Ms. Michele H.

specializes in Effective and Patient Academic Tutor · female

"Have you ever felt like you wanted to connect with someone who understood your unique learning style?

Well, if you are interested in someone who is kind, caring and flexible, please contact me. I have several years of experience creating learning experiences for students from 4 through 60.

My specialty is working with learners with attention deficit disorders, dyslexia and developmental more...

"Have you ever felt like you wanted to connect with someone who understood your unique learning style?

Well, if you are interested in someone who is kind, caring and flexible, please contact me. I have several years of experience creating learning experiences for students from 4 through 60.

My specialty is working with learners with attention deficit disorders, dyslexia and developmental disabilities. I have also worked with adults with literacy concerns. Learning is very serious to me! I look forward to connecting with you soon. I have worked with college level students online and in the classroom. I currently teach at three different college level institutions at this time.

I look forward to talking with you soon.

Michele" less...


fee: $35 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 40 miles
meeting type: either in-person or online


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Michele H. is a certified tutor

Virginia Commonwealhth University, undergrad

Capella University, Masters

Capella University - ABD, Graduate Coursework

Richmond, VA 23227

Subjects Tutored

Grammar - Microsoft Excel - General Computer - Microsoft Word - Microsoft PowerPoint - Psychology - Literature - Proofreading - SAT Writing - Spelling - Phonics - Business - Career Development - Dyslexia - Microsoft Project