Wendy's picture - Elementary/early childhood education-Wendy tutor in Ocean View DE

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Ms. Wendy W.

specializes in Elementary/early childhood education-Wendy · female

"Hello! I have been in the teaching business a long time; over 20 years. Though I have been a daycare teacher in and out of my home as well as in schools, I have experience in autism, ADD and special needs children. I am also an accomplished English student with a fine grasp of grammar, phonics, and literacy. I have achieved my Assoc. science degree in interdisciplinary studies with an emphasis on Early more...

"Hello! I have been in the teaching business a long time; over 20 years. Though I have been a daycare teacher in and out of my home as well as in schools, I have experience in autism, ADD and special needs children. I am also an accomplished English student with a fine grasp of grammar, phonics, and literacy. I have achieved my Assoc. science degree in interdisciplinary studies with an emphasis on Early childhood development. I am currently enrolled in the accompanying advanced Bachelor's program for elem ed. with only 4 classes to go. I will be further pursuing my Masters degree in same with emphasis on special needs/autism spectrum disorders. I am currently unemployed (Job market is terrible for teachers here right now) and do live in De but very close to the Ocean City, Md border, where I previously resided. I look forward to hearing from you. This is a big step but well worth your child's time and mine to see them grow and to enrich their education with quality one-on-one study. Thank you!

Wendy" less...


fee: $45 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 10 miles
meeting type: in-person (not online)


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Wendy W. is a certified tutor

Kaplan University, early childhood educ

Ocean View, DE 19970

Subjects Tutored

Vocabulary - Grammar - Reading - Writing - Proofreading - Phonics - Needlework