Mary's picture - Elementary, Special Education, and Reading Specialist Certified tutor in Marblehead MA

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Ms. Mary K.

specializes in Elementary, Special Education, and Reading Specialist Certified · female


My name is Mary and I am a fourth and fifth grade special education teacher for the Marblehead Public Schools. I currently have my Master's Degree in Reading and Literacy from Endicott College. I am a certified early childhood, elementary, special education, and reading and literacy teacher. I am open to tutoring any age student. My experience is mostly with students from K-6 however I have more...


My name is Mary and I am a fourth and fifth grade special education teacher for the Marblehead Public Schools. I currently have my Master's Degree in Reading and Literacy from Endicott College. I am a certified early childhood, elementary, special education, and reading and literacy teacher. I am open to tutoring any age student. My experience is mostly with students from K-6 however I have also tutored students at the high school level with special needs. I am open at almost anytime and day after school or even the weekends. My schedule can be very flexible and I will work with you to determine the best time and space for you and your child. If you would like any more information or have any questions please feel free to send me an email anytime.

Thank you!" less...


fee: $85 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 15 miles
meeting type: in-person (not online)


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Mary K. is a certified tutor

Endicott College, Early Childhood

Endicott College, Masters

Marblehead, MA 01945

Subjects Tutored

Elementary Math