Chadwick's picture - English and Business Tutor tutor in Punta Gorda FL

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Mr. Chadwick N.

specializes in English and Business Tutor · male

"My name is Chadwick, a 27 year old Jamaican Business Professional with an excellent command of the English Language and Marketing Management. My expertise in the English Language was fostered by years of education under the British Commonwealth System and soon after perfected by the practical need to master American English to facilitate my tenure in the United States. My expertise in Public Speaking more...

"My name is Chadwick, a 27 year old Jamaican Business Professional with an excellent command of the English Language and Marketing Management. My expertise in the English Language was fostered by years of education under the British Commonwealth System and soon after perfected by the practical need to master American English to facilitate my tenure in the United States. My expertise in Public Speaking, Marketing and Business Development manifest not only in the academic accreditation facilitated by the University of The West Indies and the requisite courses which commanded my ability to excel in such regards, but also the practical avenues - namely, my tenure as a Marketing Associate.

My experience as a tutor has taken many informal fashions - sitting one on one with persons outside of the classroom setting to advise, educate and correct the individual to help boost their confidence in themselves and sow into their development as a well rounded academic individual. With regards to tutoring, it brings me great joy and satisfaction to see the literal manifestation of knowledge becoming power; that with proper guidance and tutoring any student can achieve that which they thought was unattainable - empowerment by the confidence which comes through knowledge. Simply put? I love to build confidence!

Aside from the casual love for the English Language and how at its optimum use it can maximize self expression and understanding? I desire to see others master the language and use such mastery to their advantage to be both an excellent communicator and facilitator of the communication process.

I possess a Bachelor of Science degree in Marketing with the majority of my concentration being in both Marketing and Entrepreneurship - both of which enable me with the necessary knowledge and expertise to advise accordingly. In conjunction with the aforementioned qualification I also have extensive experience as a Marketing Associate - where I specialized in Marketing Strategy, Social Media and Business Development.

If y" less...


fee: $40 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 20 miles
meeting type: in-person (not online)


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Chadwick N. is a certified tutor

1.University of the West Indies, Marketing

Punta Gorda, FL 33980

Subjects Tutored

Grammar - English - Literature - Marketing