Elizabeth's picture - English and Social Studies Tutor tutor in Elkview WV

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Ms. Elizabeth P.

specializes in English and Social Studies Tutor · female

"Working one on one with children to help them find better ways to learn is my goal. Helping students manage homework, on-going research assignments, study for tests and become computer literate are ways to help students overcome learning issues.

I have a degree in education from West Virginia State University, and I have worked in public schools for nine years. This was a very meaningful part of my more...

"Working one on one with children to help them find better ways to learn is my goal. Helping students manage homework, on-going research assignments, study for tests and become computer literate are ways to help students overcome learning issues.

I have a degree in education from West Virginia State University, and I have worked in public schools for nine years. This was a very meaningful part of my life. I love it when students return to me and thank me for helping them overcome a learning barrier. Knowing I helped on a part of their life journey is very rewarding.

My love of reading and researching translates into my love for teaching. I understand English mechanics, grammar and writing and can teach this to students having difficulty in these areas.

If you need help with English or with Social Studies, please contact me and I will be glad to assist you on your educational journey." less...


fee: $50 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 20 miles
meeting type: in-person (not online)


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Elizabeth P. is a certified tutor

West Virginia State University, Educatoin

Marshall, Graduate Coursework

Elkview, WV 25071

Subjects Tutored

Grammar - Literature