Minta's picture - English as a Second Language Tutor tutor in Ocala FL

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Ms. Minta G.

specializes in English as a Second Language Tutor · female

"I have worked in adult education for many years tutoring people who want to learn English. Before moving to Lakeland, I was a program manager for a literacy association where I supervised and trained ESL volunteer tutors. I have a B.A. in English Education from the University of South Florida, and I have completed training at the ESL Academy through Life Long Learning, a division of Greenville County more...

"I have worked in adult education for many years tutoring people who want to learn English. Before moving to Lakeland, I was a program manager for a literacy association where I supervised and trained ESL volunteer tutors. I have a B.A. in English Education from the University of South Florida, and I have completed training at the ESL Academy through Life Long Learning, a division of Greenville County Schools in Greenville, SC.

I believe that students progress more quickly when the tutor provides instruction tailored to the individual student's needs. My philosophy is that learning should be an exciting and joyful experience for the student. Every lesson should provide the student with practical knowledge that can be used in everyday living." less...


fee: $35 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 15 miles
meeting type: in-person (not online)


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Minta G. is a certified tutor

Univ. of South Florida, English Education

Ocala, FL 34476

Subjects Tutored