George's picture - English language tutor tutor in Bangor ME

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Mr. George W.

specializes in English language tutor · male

"I currently teach English at Husson University. I am a parent and enjoy helping students.

I received an English degree from Boston College and also a Masters in Education there. I have worked primarily in the law and business fields in Boston but have moved to Maine. Before teaching at Husson I was in the U.S. Peace Corps in Ethiopia teaching English.

My approach is to assess a student as an individual and work on areas that have gaps. For English, students need to read as often as possible. They will learn what they like better, so I am open to many types of texts. They must have a certain degree of motivation to succeed." 


fee: $40 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 20 miles
meeting type: in-person (not online)


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: George W. is a certified tutor

Boston College, English

Bangor, ME 04401

Subjects Tutored
