Katherine's picture - English/Reading/Writing Tutor tutor in Brooklyn NY

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Why do you need tutoring?

Ms. Katherine D.

specializes in English/Reading/Writing Tutor · female

"I am 25 years old and I am currently pursuing my Bachelor's Degree in English Literature. I have an Associate's Degree in Writing & Literature. I've always enjoyed the English Language, it's grammar, phonetics, and it's Literature.

I feel that I would be a tremendous help to you (or your child) in studying and achieving a greater success rate in your (his/her) reading and writing needs.


"I am 25 years old and I am currently pursuing my Bachelor's Degree in English Literature. I have an Associate's Degree in Writing & Literature. I've always enjoyed the English Language, it's grammar, phonetics, and it's Literature.

I feel that I would be a tremendous help to you (or your child) in studying and achieving a greater success rate in your (his/her) reading and writing needs.

I intend on being an English Teacher in the Middle and High School grades, and so I know that I can have a great tutor/tutoree relationship with you (or your child) and prepare you (him/her) in studying for exams such as SAT's, Regents, or in reviewing and learning basic skills for your (his/her) classroom.

I also have experience revising and editing college students papers and helping them achieve a high grade on their paper. I would help them revise and cut a lot of unnecessary information they were giving (or repeating), and help them include short concise sentences that help them bring their point across. I also helped them enhance their vocabulary." less...


fee: $40 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 20 miles
meeting type: in-person (not online)


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Katherine D. is a certified tutor

BMCC, undergrad

Brooklyn, NY 11207

Subjects Tutored

Grammar - Microsoft Word - Reading - Spanish - Writing - English - Proofreading - SAT Reading - SAT Writing - Elementary (K-6th)