Johnny's picture - Exceptional Math and Accounting Tutor tutor in Albany KY

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Mr. Johnny R.

specializes in Exceptional Math and Accounting Tutor · male

"Hi, my name is Johnny. I possess a master's degree in teaching. I am also a certified public accountant who excels in teaching and mentoring individuals to succeed. I strive to help students identify their strengths and weaknesses and collaborate with students to develop good study habits and methods that will enhance their learning. It is my belief and conviction that all students are capable of learning more...

"Hi, my name is Johnny. I possess a master's degree in teaching. I am also a certified public accountant who excels in teaching and mentoring individuals to succeed. I strive to help students identify their strengths and weaknesses and collaborate with students to develop good study habits and methods that will enhance their learning. It is my belief and conviction that all students are capable of learning when they are provided with the appropriate guidance and motivation to excel. I love working with students and inspiring them to achieve to their greatest potential.

I am exceptionally knowledgeable in the fields of mathematics, finance and accounting. I am very analytically inclined and skilled at problem solving, time management, coaching and mentoring others. I am dedicated to helping students attain the skills and study habits needed to exceed in their formal education and beyond that will be invaluable to them throughout life as they become life long learners." less...


fee: $30 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 40 miles
meeting type: either in-person or online


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Johnny R. is a certified tutor

NC Central University, Accounting

Kaplan University ( on-line), Masters

Albany, KY 42602

Subjects Tutored

Algebra 2 - Grammar - Microsoft Excel - Geometry - Microsoft PowerPoint - Trigonometry - SAT Math - Finance - ASVAB - Spelling - Elementary Math - Managerial Accounting - Financial Accounting - Study Skills - Tax Accounting