Pamela's picture - Experienced and Enagaing Teacher tutor in Buffalo NY

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Ms. Pamela J.

specializes in Experienced and Enagaing Teacher · female

"Hello and thank you for taking the time to read my profile! My name is Pamela and I am so excited to get to know you and your child. I have over 18 years of teaching experience in a multitude of areas. I have taught elementary education for 14 years and middle school for 4. I have specialized training in reading and writing workshop. I have multiple certifications in New York State including Pre-K-6th more...

"Hello and thank you for taking the time to read my profile! My name is Pamela and I am so excited to get to know you and your child. I have over 18 years of teaching experience in a multitude of areas. I have taught elementary education for 14 years and middle school for 4. I have specialized training in reading and writing workshop. I have multiple certifications in New York State including Pre-K-6th Elementary Education, Students with Disabilities Grades 1-8, and English Certification for Grades 7-8.

I am currently a special education English teacher. I know how daunting reading and especially writing can be and COVID has made the learning gap that much larger. I make instruction engaging and fun and my top priority to establish a solid, positive relationship with you and your child. Please let me know if have any questions and I can't wait to to speak with you soon!" less...


fee: $40 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 15 miles
meeting type: either in-person or online


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Pamela J. is a certified tutor

SUNY Buffalo State College, Elementary Education

SUNY Buffalo State College, Masters

Buffalo, NY 14223

Subjects Tutored

English - Elementary (K-6th) - Special Needs - ADHD