Faye's picture - Experienced Chemistry and Biology tutor tutor in Ann Arbor MI

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Ms. Faye B.

specializes in Experienced Chemistry and Biology tutor · female

"I first became interested in the life sciences during my high school biology class. As a biology major in college, I was required to take chemistry. Much to my surprise and due to a great teacher, I learned that I liked chemistry! Because of my positive experience with this teacher, I decided to major in chemistry too.

Fast forward to the end of college and I decided to combine my love of these more...

"I first became interested in the life sciences during my high school biology class. As a biology major in college, I was required to take chemistry. Much to my surprise and due to a great teacher, I learned that I liked chemistry! Because of my positive experience with this teacher, I decided to major in chemistry too.

Fast forward to the end of college and I decided to combine my love of these two subjects and pursue a PhD in Biochemistry. Since completing my PhD, I've conducted basic research, taught chemistry, anatomy and physiology, microbiology and tutored these subjects too!

With my extensive background in chemistry and biology research, teaching and tutoring, I can help you understand and be successful with these subjects. Teachers and tutors can make all the difference! I look forward to working with you!" less...


fee: $50 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 20 miles
meeting type: either in-person or online


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Faye B. is a certified tutor

University of California, Irvine, Biology, Chemistry

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, PhD

Ann Arbor, MI 48103

Subjects Tutored

Biology - Chemistry - Biochemistry - Anatomy - Microbiology