Alun's picture - Experienced, Creative, and Dedicated English Tutor tutor in Dedham MA

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Alun P.

specializes in Experienced, Creative, and Dedicated English Tutor ·

"Hello! I love helping young people to develop confidence in their abilities. I have been teaching high school English for over 20 years. I believe that all students can improve their reading, writing, and critical thinking skills in order to become strong communicators. I earned a B.A. in English from Carleton College and an MFA in Communications (Film) from the University of Miami. I have extensive more...

"Hello! I love helping young people to develop confidence in their abilities. I have been teaching high school English for over 20 years. I believe that all students can improve their reading, writing, and critical thinking skills in order to become strong communicators. I earned a B.A. in English from Carleton College and an MFA in Communications (Film) from the University of Miami. I have extensive experience with young people from many backgrounds and across a range of abilities and interests. I teach writing and literature, and I have taught AP English and Composition for most of my career. I also bring creativity, energy, and humor to teaching.

Sometimes, the most important thing a student needs to improve is someone to patiently listen to and advise them about their strengths and their areas for improvement. When it comes to writing, everyone has a story to tell. When it comes to thinking critically about literature, there are rarely "wrong" answers. We often have the most growth when we take charge of our own learning. Once a student feels secure in their skills, they can transfer those skills across classes and between different kinds of standardized tests. I meet students where they are and work patiently and diligently to help them access their potential. I look forward to working with you!" less...


fee: $100 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 30 miles
meeting type: either in-person or online


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Alun P. is a certified tutor

Carleton College, English

University of Miami, Other

Dedham, MA 02026

Subjects Tutored

Writing - English - Literature - SAT Writing - ACT English