Kelsy's picture - Experienced Education and Career Consultant tutor in Bradenton FL

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Kelsy A.

specializes in Experienced Education and Career Consultant ·

"Having taught at the undergraduate level for 6 years and the graduate level for 2, I understand the struggles that students have with juggling multiple competing obligations on the journey to their degree. I specialize in helping people to overcome the barriers to success, and my goal as a tutor is to help students become self-sufficient in their studying methods and provide flexible options for adult more...

"Having taught at the undergraduate level for 6 years and the graduate level for 2, I understand the struggles that students have with juggling multiple competing obligations on the journey to their degree. I specialize in helping people to overcome the barriers to success, and my goal as a tutor is to help students become self-sufficient in their studying methods and provide flexible options for adult students of different learning styles.

Having a decade of experience in statistics, both in the classroom and in application, has made me an excellent tutor in statistics, SPSS, and Excel. I have also taught public speaking for 3 years, and have helped students with the college admissions process for 8 years. Seeing the look of relief on my clients' faces after a session when they finally breakthrough their confusion and frustration with a problem or assignment is the best part of my day.

Feel free to contact me to learn more about my services and schedule a lesson. Online learning does not have to be difficult." less...


fee: $75 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 20 miles
meeting type: either in-person or online


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Kelsy A. is a certified tutor

Moravian College, Sociology

Florida State University, Masters

University of Florida, PhD

Bradenton, FL 34207

Subjects Tutored

Writing - Psychology - SPSS - Career Development - College Counseling - Sociology