Casey's picture - Experienced Speech-Language Therapist tutor in Trenton GA

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Mr. Casey G.

specializes in Experienced Speech-Language Therapist · male

"I'm Casey! I have a Bachelor's degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders and have been working as a licensed Speech-Language Pathology Assistant for a little over 10 years. Currently, I work as a clinician in a private pediatric outpatient clinic and I absolutely love it! I am very passionate about the work I do and would love to be able to offer assistance to more individuals that may benefit from more...

"I'm Casey! I have a Bachelor's degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders and have been working as a licensed Speech-Language Pathology Assistant for a little over 10 years. Currently, I work as a clinician in a private pediatric outpatient clinic and I absolutely love it! I am very passionate about the work I do and would love to be able to offer assistance to more individuals that may benefit from any tutoring services I may provide.

Over the years, I have worked in both individual and group settings and have specialized in topics such as articulation and phonological awareness, the latter of the two is tremendous for reading skills! Other specialties include, but are not limited to social language skills, receptive, and expressive language skills. I enjoy vocabulary building, grammar, and comprehension activities! Because I do work full-time as a clinician, I am constantly accessing and adding to my arsenal of resources and although I do plan lessons, I am also very much capable of catering to the specific needs of the individual I am working with. Each person should be comfortable with whom they are working and establishing rapport is quite important to me.

My top priority as a tutor is to benefit the student with whom I am working. Feedback, suggestions, and questions are encouraged! I am easily reached and respond quickly. Feel free to contact me with any questions or to schedule a lesson!" less...


fee: $25 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 0 miles
meeting type: in-person (not online)


website: on file

Trenton, GA 30752

Subjects Tutored

Vocabulary - Grammar - Phonics - ESL/ESOL - Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)