Silas's picture - Graduate Student Chemistry Tutor (99th Percentile Organic Chemist) tutor in Pompano Beach FL

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Mr. Silas H.

specializes in Graduate Student Chemistry Tutor (99th Percentile Organic Chemist) · male

"If there's one thing I know more about than Star Wars or Lord of the Rings, it's Chemistry. But my knowledge of chemistry would be useless if I couldn't teach you what I know. I have 2 years of experience working with as a CRLA Certified chemistry tutor with Broward College in South Florida. During that time I tutored students one on one in General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Chemistry of the Health more...

"If there's one thing I know more about than Star Wars or Lord of the Rings, it's Chemistry. But my knowledge of chemistry would be useless if I couldn't teach you what I know. I have 2 years of experience working with as a CRLA Certified chemistry tutor with Broward College in South Florida. During that time I tutored students one on one in General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Chemistry of the Health Sciences. I had the opportunity to help students of all ages, from teenagers who were dual-enrolled in college classes, to adults who were returning to school.

With each student, my core emphasis was how to formulate a "plan of attack" for every problem that you come across. With that, my approach always followed a similar progression. Step 1: I work through a problem and get your input at every step of the process. Step 2: We work through a problem together, with all the help you need. Step 3: You work through a problem telling me step by step how you can solve it. The key to this approach is to allow you (the student) to voice what your needs are. If we need to spend more time in any one of the steps I listed, that is ok! You are in control of what pace you want to move at. My goal in everything I do is to provide a safe, welcoming atmosphere where you can see an improvement in your Chemistry skills.

When I was an undergraduate, I excelled in my classes, maintaining a GPA of 3.95 or higher for the entirety of my undergraduate studies, graduating Summa Cum Laude with my Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry. I also had the honor of receiving my university's 2021 "Clark Scholarship for Excellence in Organic Chemistry" (a $500 award). Additionally, my academic success as a chemist was not limited to one particular field. Upon entrance to my graduate program with Florida Atlantic University, I demonstrated a wide girth of chemistry knowledge, scoring in the 90th, 94th, and 99th percentiles on the nationally standardized ACS Analytical, Physical, and Organic Chemistry exams, respectively." less...


fee: $70 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 7 miles
meeting type: either in-person or online


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Silas H. is a certified tutor

Broward college, Chemistry

Florida Atlantic University, Masters

Pompano Beach, FL 33069

Subjects Tutored

Chemistry - Organic Chemistry