Weston's picture - High School/College Math and Science Tutor tutor in New Brunswick NJ

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Mr. Weston C.

specializes in High School/College Math and Science Tutor · male

"I really want to make you feel comfortable and knowledgeable about your subject matter. I help my students gain a foundation by starting with basic concepts first and then going up. Science and math concepts especially build on each other. Then I help you to apply your knowledge of these concepts to practice problems and ace your exams! I encourage vocalizing your thought process when solving problems more...

"I really want to make you feel comfortable and knowledgeable about your subject matter. I help my students gain a foundation by starting with basic concepts first and then going up. Science and math concepts especially build on each other. Then I help you to apply your knowledge of these concepts to practice problems and ace your exams! I encourage vocalizing your thought process when solving problems because this allows you to see where you are hitting roadblocks and overcome them. I really enjoy tutoring students and helping them achieve their academic goals.

I am a first-year medical student at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School

I hold a B.A. in physics from the University of Delaware

I scored in the 98th percentile on the MCAT biology/biochemistry section

High school math and science tutor since September 2019 in the Wilmington, DE area.

I scored a 5 on the AP Calculus AB exam.

I'd love to hear from you, get to know you, and start tutoring lessons!" less...


fee: $60 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 15 miles
meeting type: either in-person or online


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Weston C. is a certified tutor

University of Delaware, Physics

Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Enrolled

New Brunswick, NJ 08901

Subjects Tutored

Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - Biology - Chemistry - Geometry - Physics - Spanish - Trigonometry - Biochemistry - SAT Math - TOEFL - Elementary Science