Tommie's picture - IB/AP Chemistry Tutor (26 Years Teaching Experience) tutor in Burleson TX

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Mr. Tommie H.

specializes in IB/AP Chemistry Tutor (26 Years Teaching Experience) · male

"I have taught IB Chemistry and AP Chemistry at top international schools around the world for the last 26 years, and I simply love helping students reach that "light bulb" moment when they truly understand something they had previously struggled with. My long experience and expertise in the subject allow me to adapt my teaching style to meet the needs of individual students, and my teaching style more...

"I have taught IB Chemistry and AP Chemistry at top international schools around the world for the last 26 years, and I simply love helping students reach that "light bulb" moment when they truly understand something they had previously struggled with. My long experience and expertise in the subject allow me to adapt my teaching style to meet the needs of individual students, and my teaching style recognizes the importance of the work while combining warmth and humor to promote a positive and engaging atmosphere. As a result my students have enjoyed learning chemistry while also doing well on exams and internal assessment and going on to prestigious universities and meaningful careers around the world.

I am a certified chemistry teacher in Texas and Montana and I have taught IB Chemistry, pre-AP Chemistry and AP Chemistry and British A-Level Chemistry as well as IB MYP Science, Physical Science, Integrated Science and International General Certificate of Education (IGCSE) Chemistry and Physics. I have taught in two U.S. states as well as five countries in Europe, South America, South Asia, the Middle East and the Asian Pacific.

So reach out and let me know what you need or let me help you figure that out. I can offer assistance with content, exam techniques and preparation and internal assessment. I look forward to working with you and giving you the help that you deserve.

B.A. in Chemistry Texas A&M University

M.Sc. in Science Education Montana State University

Total of 31 years chemistry teaching experience

Total of 26 years of IB SL/HL Chemistry and AP Chemistry teaching experience

If you believe that my expertise, experience and love for teaching and working with students could benefit you, please contact me to learn more and schedule your first lesson." less...


fee: $65 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 30 miles
meeting type: either in-person or online


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Tommie H. is a certified tutor

Texas A&M University, Chemistry

Montana State University, Masters

Burleson, TX 76028

Subjects Tutored
