Aryn's picture - Innovative, Engaging, Approved SUFS-UA Education Provider tutor in Boynton Beach FL

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Aryn W.

specializes in Innovative, Engaging, Approved SUFS-UA Education Provider ·

"I LOVE helping students learn! With over 20 years as a professional educator, I've been granted endorsements in K-12 from FLDOE. I am also a Clinical Autism Spectrum Disorder Specialist and have highly specialized training and experience in accommodating students with various learning differences. My approach is student-centered and collaborative, as engagement is key. From setting objectives to content more...

"I LOVE helping students learn! With over 20 years as a professional educator, I've been granted endorsements in K-12 from FLDOE. I am also a Clinical Autism Spectrum Disorder Specialist and have highly specialized training and experience in accommodating students with various learning differences. My approach is student-centered and collaborative, as engagement is key. From setting objectives to content exploration and application to empathetic and constructive feedback, my aim is to empower you on your journey! I hold an undergraduate degree in Childhood Education and two advanced credentials in Counseling Psychology and Mental Health, respectively. I have spent years investigating pedagogy and learning, focusing most of my research on the Montessori methodology. Students must be able to contextualize content in a way that is meaningful for them, and that is where we begin; we will identify strengths and interests so that I am able to create specialized instruction based on your individual needs. While I have been a classroom teacher in Early Childhood settings and primary grades, I find that supporting learners one-on-one is most fulfilling. I have a proven track record of facilitating academic achievement for all ages and abilities, from early literacy skills to graduate-level thesis development. Together, we can tackle anything!" less...


fee: $65 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 5 miles
meeting type: either in-person or online


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Aryn W. is a certified tutor

Long Island University- CW Post Campus, Childhood Education

Golden Gate University, Masters

LIU- Hudson Campus, Masters

Boynton Beach, FL 33473

Subjects Tutored

Vocabulary - Phonics - Reading - Writing - Psychology - Literature - Social Studies - Elementary (K-6th) - ADHD - Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) - Nutrition