Elizabeth's picture - Knowledge is Power ESL/English Tutor tutor in Peoria Heights IL

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Ms. Elizabeth R.

specializes in Knowledge is Power ESL/English Tutor · female

"If a student is interested in learning English as a Second Language, they should know a little bit about my applicable credentials, teaching approach and relevant experience. My academic credentials are a Journalism degree from Creighton University and a Doctorate in Law from Creighton Law School.

My teaching approach is interactive which allows students to think for themselves. I enjoy teaching more...

"If a student is interested in learning English as a Second Language, they should know a little bit about my applicable credentials, teaching approach and relevant experience. My academic credentials are a Journalism degree from Creighton University and a Doctorate in Law from Creighton Law School.

My teaching approach is interactive which allows students to think for themselves. I enjoy teaching one-on-one or small groups. Students learn more and retain knowledge longer when they interact with others and are put in real live situations, for example role model scenarios. As far as my relevant experience, I have taught overseas for several years in language schools, international schools and at the University level. I also have taught for language schools in the United States. I have always received excellent reviews for my teaching approach.

I am interested in teaching all age groups and diverse backgrounds. It is fun to see students blossom and become comfortable speaking the English language. More importantly, I enjoy teaching E.S.L., because my students are always so interesting. They come from all over the world, and therefore I am always learning about different cultures and communities. It is fascinating and helps keep me focused on the student and their needs. I love my students." less...


fee: $50 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 30 miles
meeting type: in-person (not online)


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Elizabeth R. is a certified tutor

Creighton University, undergrad

Creighton School of Law, J.D.

Peoria Heights, IL 61616

Subjects Tutored