Ginny's picture - M.Ed. in English Education with 8 Years Teaching Experience tutor in Laurel MS

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Ms. Ginny C.

specializes in M.Ed. in English Education with 8 Years Teaching Experience · female

"I taught 7th grade English at Bay Springs Middle School for two years. After leaving this position, I next taught 7th-12th English at Sylva Bay Academy for six years. Before my daughter was born, I was a reading tutor with Littera, Varsity Tutors, and Wyzant for several months. I am currently tutoring reading and English with Varsity Tutors and private reading lessons at my home.

I have a M.Ed. in more...

"I taught 7th grade English at Bay Springs Middle School for two years. After leaving this position, I next taught 7th-12th English at Sylva Bay Academy for six years. Before my daughter was born, I was a reading tutor with Littera, Varsity Tutors, and Wyzant for several months. I am currently tutoring reading and English with Varsity Tutors and private reading lessons at my home.

I have a M.Ed. in English Education (2009) from William Carey University, a B.A. in English (2005) with a minor in speech communications from William Carey University, and an A.A. degree (2001) from Jones College. Before leaving the public and private school system, I held a Mississippi teaching license. While teaching at Sylva Bay Academy, I founded a chapter of Future Business Leaders of America and coached students for public speaking competitions. I was also awarded the STAR teacher award." less...


fee: $35 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 20 miles
meeting type: online (only)


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Ginny C. is a certified tutor

William Carey University, English

William Carey University, MEd

Laurel, MS 39443

Subjects Tutored

Grammar - Reading - Writing - Literature - Proofreading - Homeschool