Zeyue's picture - Medical Student and Standardized Test Tutor tutor in Highland Park NJ

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Zeyue L.

specializes in Medical Student and Standardized Test Tutor ·

"In May of 2023, I graduated from Rutgers University with a 4.0 GPA with double majors in Biological Sciences and Computer Science. I've tutored a variety of ages throughout my high school and college careers, and I hope to help you achieve your goals and pursue your passions.

In high school, I scored a 1600 on the SAT and received 5’s on the following AP exams: Calc BC, English Language and more...

"In May of 2023, I graduated from Rutgers University with a 4.0 GPA with double majors in Biological Sciences and Computer Science. I've tutored a variety of ages throughout my high school and college careers, and I hope to help you achieve your goals and pursue your passions.

In high school, I scored a 1600 on the SAT and received 5’s on the following AP exams: Calc BC, English Language and Composition, Chemistry, English Literature and Composition, Music Theory, Spanish Language and Culture, Physics I, and Physics C: Mechanics. I also scored 800 on SAT Subject Tests in Chemistry and Mathematics Level 2. In college, I scored a 522 on the MCAT (99th percentile) with a 130/130/131/131 subscore breakdown (96%/98%/98%/97% percentiles).

I am able to tutor a wide variety of subjects and ages, but I am most equipped to teach standardized testing, including the SAT, Subject Tests, and the MCAT." less...


fee: $115 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 10 miles
meeting type: in-person (not online)


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Zeyue L. is a certified tutor

Rutgers University, Biology and Comp Sci

Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson, Enrolled

Highland Park, NJ 08904

Subjects Tutored

Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - Calculus - Grammar - Java - SAT Math - SAT Writing - MCAT