Jennifer's picture - Middle School Social Studies Teacher- 12 Years Experience tutor in Manchester NH

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Ms. Jennifer G.

specializes in Middle School Social Studies Teacher- 12 Years Experience · female

"Hello! My name is Jennifer and I am a middle school social studies teacher with more than 12 years experience in the classroom, and 6 years experience tutoring from 5th-12th grade in reading, writing, and general homework help.

I have an undergraduate degree in History from Ithaca College, as well as a Master's degree in Teaching Secondary History and a EdM in Teacher Leadership from Brandeis more...

"Hello! My name is Jennifer and I am a middle school social studies teacher with more than 12 years experience in the classroom, and 6 years experience tutoring from 5th-12th grade in reading, writing, and general homework help.

I have an undergraduate degree in History from Ithaca College, as well as a Master's degree in Teaching Secondary History and a EdM in Teacher Leadership from Brandeis University. I have also been published in the International Journal for Role-Playing for my & my research partner's work on gamified learning and how role-playing games can be used to teach core curriculum as well as social-emotional skills.

For extra-curriculars, I co-direct the theater program and run Dungeons & Dragons club! I love both of these activities because it gives me another way to work with amazing students and help them explore and develop their passions. I love teaching social studies and helping students develop their research, writing, and critical thinking skills as well. A lot of people believe that history is just memorizing names and dates, but there are so many important skills embedded in social studies that students often need to master in order to be successful in many areas outside of their history class. I love working with students as they explore their curiosity and become more confident communicators." less...


fee: $45 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 20 miles
meeting type: in-person (not online)


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Jennifer G. is a certified tutor

Ithaca College, History

Brandeis University, Masters

Brandeis University, MEd

Manchester, NH 03103

Subjects Tutored

American History - European History - Writing - Geography - English - Social Studies