Tessa's picture - Outgoing and Knowledgable Math Tutor with 7 Years Experience tutor in Los Angeles CA

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Ms. Tessa W.

specializes in Outgoing and Knowledgable Math Tutor with 7 Years Experience · female

"Hello potential student! I have been teaching and tutoring for the past 7 years and I'm passionate about making your academic life easier. I earned my Bachelor's Degree in physics at Swarthmore College, a notoriously difficult liberal arts school. After leaving I decided I wanted to help others succeed in STEM, so I went on to spend 2 years as the head math and science teacher for a private homeschool! more...

"Hello potential student! I have been teaching and tutoring for the past 7 years and I'm passionate about making your academic life easier. I earned my Bachelor's Degree in physics at Swarthmore College, a notoriously difficult liberal arts school. After leaving I decided I wanted to help others succeed in STEM, so I went on to spend 2 years as the head math and science teacher for a private homeschool! There, I was responsible for designing and implementing the math and science curriculum for 6 kids aged between 11-18. When I left that job, I started doing one-on-one online tutoring and haven't looked back. I have worked for several tutoring agencies, including Hayutin & Associates, Education Management Agency, Access Granted Education, as well as with my own personal clients. Currently, I focus on providing math support for middle, high school, and college students in all subjects up to AP and college calculus.

As a tutor I have found that math, more than any other subject, can cause a lot of stress for students. It can be extremely challenging and frustrating, and I am here to help with that! I always hated in high school and college when my teachers would make me feel stupid for asking questions, so I am very committed to making sure you feel comfortable asking anything and making mistakes in our sessions. I am an outgoing and friendly person and will do my best to make our sessions engaging. I am extremely knowledgable in all math topics up to college calculus, as I have been both teaching and tutoring them for 7 years now. So with all that said, I believe I have all the tools necessary to give you confidence in math class, help relieve stress doing homework, and give you an empowering understanding of whatever course material it is you are tackling!

I look forward to meeting you and working together to meet your academic goals." less...


fee: $65 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 20 miles
meeting type: either in-person or online


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Tessa W. is a certified tutor

Swarthmore College, Honors Physics

Los Angeles, CA 90026

Subjects Tutored

Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - Calculus - Geometry - Prealgebra - Precalculus - Spanish - Art History - ACT Math