Rose's picture - Passionate Reading & Writing Tutor for Elementary-High School Students tutor in Miami FL

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Ms. Rose A.

specializes in Passionate Reading & Writing Tutor for Elementary-High School Students · female

"As a fourth year medical student, I am well versed in the rigorous standards that exist for crafting exceptional standout essays required for university coursework or applications! I received a perfect score on my essay for the SAT Writing section, and later graduated from the Commonwealth Honors College at UMass Amherst. Upon graduating, I took the opportunity to showcase my writing skills as a more...

"As a fourth year medical student, I am well versed in the rigorous standards that exist for crafting exceptional standout essays required for university coursework or applications! I received a perfect score on my essay for the SAT Writing section, and later graduated from the Commonwealth Honors College at UMass Amherst. Upon graduating, I took the opportunity to showcase my writing skills as a pre-medical student when I applied for and was granted a highly selective research fellowship at Umass Medical School.

While I thoroughly enjoy my current pursuit of the study of medicine, I have an insatiable passion for reading and writing, and look forward to creating a stimulating and enjoyable experience for students of all ages during our tutoring sessions! At present, I have over two years of experience in tutoring elementary students in practicing and refining their reading and speech skills, as well as four years of experience in proofreading and revising essays for university students in Boston and the Greater New England area.

My goal for my student is to walk away from each session with confidence, clarity, and a unique new arsenal of tools to expand upon their reading and writing skills!" less...


fee: $75 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 20 miles
meeting type: either in-person or online


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Rose A. is a certified tutor

University of Massachusetts Amherst, Neuroscience

St. George's University School of Medicine, Enrolled

Miami, FL 33143

Subjects Tutored

Reading - Writing - English - Proofreading - Spelling