Shivani's picture - Patient & Personable Science, Math, and Test Prep Tutor tutor in Philadelphia PA

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Ms. Shivani D.

specializes in Patient & Personable Science, Math, and Test Prep Tutor · female

"Hello there! My name is Shivani, and I'm so excited to help you become an expert in your field. Currently, I am a dental student at the University of Pennsylvania. I graduated from the University of Southern California with a major in Human Biology and a minor in Math. As a once struggling college student having a difficult time understanding my professors, I understand the necessity of tutoring and want more...

"Hello there! My name is Shivani, and I'm so excited to help you become an expert in your field. Currently, I am a dental student at the University of Pennsylvania. I graduated from the University of Southern California with a major in Human Biology and a minor in Math. As a once struggling college student having a difficult time understanding my professors, I understand the necessity of tutoring and want to help cater to different learning styles. I have 5 years worth of experience tutoring high school and college students in: basic math, algebra, geometry, statistics, SAT, ACT (helped a student raise her score from 28 to 33!), SAT subject tests, chemistry, biology, and DAT prep.

Overall, I am passionate about working with students to help them better understand the subject matter in which they are struggling. One of my favorite parts of tutoring is explaining the material in a compelling manner that makes sense to YOU. I am personable, patient, and professional, and I love instilling confidence and witnessing the moment when my student finally understands a difficult topic!" less...


fee: $60 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 2 miles
meeting type: either in-person or online


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Shivani D. is a certified tutor

(1) University of Southern California, Human Biology

Attending University of Pennsylvania, MD

Philadelphia, PA 19104

Subjects Tutored

Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - Chemistry - SAT Math - ACT Reading - ACT English - Elementary Math - Dentistry