Glen's picture - Perioperative Clinical Nurse Specialist tutor in Auburn MI

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Mr. Glen T.

specializes in Perioperative Clinical Nurse Specialist · male

"I have 28 years of nursing healthcare experience and love to teach. I have mentored and trained hundreds of healthcare personnel and nursing students throughout my career. My experience includes surgical technology, medical surgical nursing, perioperative nursing, management, as well as administrative duties within the hospital. I retired from the USAF two years ago and am now working at McLaren Central more...

"I have 28 years of nursing healthcare experience and love to teach. I have mentored and trained hundreds of healthcare personnel and nursing students throughout my career. My experience includes surgical technology, medical surgical nursing, perioperative nursing, management, as well as administrative duties within the hospital. I retired from the USAF two years ago and am now working at McLaren Central Michigan as a Nurse Manager. I look forward to meeting you and helping you with your education.

I have had both undergraduate and graduate course in Biology, Anatomy, Pharmacology as well as Perioperative Nursing course work in Graduate school. I have taught Surgical Technicians, Registered Nurses in Medical Surgical nursing and Registered Nurses in the Operating Room. I also have mentored High School students in the surgical setting. My teaching experience also includes training Medical Students on how to scrub and maintain sterility in the Operating Room Suite." less...


fee: $55 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 20 miles
meeting type: in-person (not online)


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Glen T. is a certified tutor

Univ of Mich Flint, Nursing

USUHS, Masters

Auburn, MI 48611

Subjects Tutored

Biology - Anatomy - Physiology