Tina's picture - Photography and Art education tutor in Henrietta NY

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Ms. Tina S.

specializes in Photography and Art education · female

"I am a recent graduate from RIT with an MFA in Imaging Arts. I have an extensive background in photography, video art, photoshop, digital photography, art and art history. I have a great passion for teaching and believe one on one tutoring is one of the greatest ways to expand someones knowledge.

I have worked with kids of all ages and at the colligate level. I am passionate about art education and can really offer a lot to anyone needing my services. I have taught Photoshop to a wide range of backgrounds and have used it extensively in my personal art work. I love teaching and can't wait to begin tutoring!" 


fee: $50 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 25 miles
meeting type: in-person (not online)


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Tina S. is a certified tutor

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, BFA in Photography

Rochester Institute of Technology, Masters

Henrietta, NY 14467

Subjects Tutored

Adobe Photoshop