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Ms. Neha S.

specializes in Physics & Philosophy Tutor · female

"Hello! In high school, physics was my worst subject. No joke. I regularly got B's and C's on my exams in AP Physics 1. So What do I do come college? Major in physics of course! I loved that for the first time in my life, material demanded understanding and not just memorization. I am now a graduate of Miami University since May of 2023. I finished in the top 1/3 of my fellow physics peers with latin more...

"Hello! In high school, physics was my worst subject. No joke. I regularly got B's and C's on my exams in AP Physics 1. So What do I do come college? Major in physics of course! I loved that for the first time in my life, material demanded understanding and not just memorization. I am now a graduate of Miami University since May of 2023. I finished in the top 1/3 of my fellow physics peers with latin distinction and an invitation to be inducted into the nation's most prestigious academic honor society (Phi Beta Kappa) for my overall academic performance. There was a learning curve to get there though. I know what it is like to struggle with the material, but I also know with certainty that anyone can learn subjects that give them difficulty with the right amount of effort. It all comes down to how you are taught and how you practice.

I can help with both. I have received awards at conferences for my physics research, not because it was the most impressive work, but because I could make the content digestible. I attribute this to the fact that I am not naturally gifted in physics. I know how someone who finds the material foreign would need to have it explained in order to understand it. I found this applies to other subjects such as fundamental math courses that are demanded within physics as well.

My time spent obtaining my philosophy minor has also been an invaluable and crucial contributor to my confidence in successfully tutoring others. It is the mother of all learning, and just as physics does, it demands an understanding. It also demanded the extensive ability to communicate orally and through prose. My academic experiences combine with my prior volunteer work of being a mentor in high school and college advising students on how to academically succeed. I also acted as an assistant instructor at Buckner Martial Arts helping kids of all ages learn discipline and self defense in group settings. If my background sounds like a good fit, please feel free to reach out to me for a session!" less...


fee: $45 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 20 miles
meeting type: either in-person or online


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Neha S. is a certified tutor

B.S at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, Physics

Middletown, OH 45044

Subjects Tutored

Algebra 1 - Algebra 2 - Physics - Prealgebra - ACT Reading