Emily's picture - Professionaly Trained ASL Teacher tutor in Lafayette NJ

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Ms. Emily C.

specializes in Professionaly Trained ASL Teacher · female

"I have been professionally trained in American Sign Language and ASL Interpreting at RIT's National Technical Institute for the Deaf, and have found myself yearning to share my knowledge with others.

After graduating with my B.S. in ASL Interpreting, I immediately secured a position teaching high school ASL. I thoroughly enjoy connecting with and helping my students find the confidence to develop their skills. In this field, confidence is key- and I will help every student find it within themselves." 


fee: $60 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 40 miles
meeting type: online (only)


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Emily C. is a certified tutor

Rochester Institute of Technology, ASL-English Interpre

Lafayette, NJ 07848

Subjects Tutored

Sign Language