India's picture - Results Driven Math & Reading Tutor K-12|Celebrity Clients|Attorney tutor in Charlotte NC

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Ms. India P.

specializes in Results Driven Math & Reading Tutor K-12|Celebrity Clients|Attorney · female

"After graduating Wake Forest University, I joined Teach for America and became a certified Math teacher. I taught 9th Grade Common Core Math I, Introduction to Math, and Foundations to Math I at a Title I high school in North Carolina. I have experience working with students who are high-flyers, have behavioral problems/learning disabilities, and who are English-language learners. My success in the more...

"After graduating Wake Forest University, I joined Teach for America and became a certified Math teacher. I taught 9th Grade Common Core Math I, Introduction to Math, and Foundations to Math I at a Title I high school in North Carolina. I have experience working with students who are high-flyers, have behavioral problems/learning disabilities, and who are English-language learners. My success in the classroom is reflected in my students' common core test scores. For example, in one semester, my students grew 109% on the Math I common core exam, which is approximately 2.5 years worth of growth.

In addition to being a teacher, I also have years of experience tutoring in math. I love tutoring because it gives me joy knowing that I helped contribute to a student's "ah-hah" moment in Math aka "that moment it clicked." The students I tutor show almost immediate improvement on their test scores. For example, I helped one student bring up his D/F average in math to consistent A/Bs and I helped another student bring up his math test scores from C/D to only A/Bs.

I specialize in Kindergarten through 9th Grade Math, which includes Elementary and Middle School Math, Pre-algebra, Algebra I, and Common Core Math I. As a former teacher, I understand that all students learn differently. As a result, my tutoring sessions are very active, implementing the "I Do, We Do, You Do" method. I also like to incorporate games into my tutoring sessions to help the material stick better for students.

Please note that I offer tutoring services via online (i.e. Zoom)." less...


fee: $70 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 30 miles
meeting type: either in-person or online


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: India P. is a certified tutor

Wake Forest University, Political Science

University of Miami School of Law, J.D.

Charlotte, NC 28216

Subjects Tutored

Algebra 1 - Prealgebra - Elementary Math - Elementary (K-6th) - College Counseling