Elizabeth's picture - Social Studies/English Tutor tutor in Columbus GA

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Why do you need tutoring?

Ms. Elizabeth S.

specializes in Social Studies/English Tutor · female

"I am currently a high school social studies teacher and have been for the past ten years. I am fully certified and have received accolades such as Teacher of the Year at my school. I can also tutor in the areas of reading, writing, grammar, and public speaking as well. I have my Educational Specialist in Educational Leadership, which in education, is the degree right below a doctorate. I usually have a good relationship with the students and parents I work with. I look forward to this tutoring opportunity." 


fee: $50 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 20 miles
meeting type: in-person (not online)


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Elizabeth S. is a certified tutor

Columbus State University, Secondary History Ed

University of West Georgia, MEd

Columbus State University, Other

Columbus, GA 31904

Subjects Tutored

American History - Grammar - Reading - Writing - English - Government & Politics - Proofreading - Social Studies