Shauntelle's picture - Veteran Reading Specialist tutor in Lewisville TX

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Shauntelle M.

specializes in Veteran Reading Specialist ·

"Mrs. Modeste has been growing readers and writers for over 20 years in the classroom at all levels and now online in private practice. She has been a homeschool mom teaching her 13 year-old daughter alongside other bright students in her online school for over three years. Mrs. Modeste continues her love for students by providing high level tutoring sessions to reluctant and struggling students needing a different mindset, motivation, and reading method for literacy success. Students and parents alike report transformational academic change after working with Mrs. Modeste. She is looking forward to adding your child to that growing list!" 


fee: $110 (for 60 min)
travel distance: 20 miles
meeting type: either in-person or online


website: on file

Education and Qualifications

certified: Shauntelle M. is a certified tutor

University of Central Arkansas, Elementary Education

University of Central Arkansas, MEd

University of North Texas, Enrolled

Lewisville, TX 75067

Subjects Tutored

Vocabulary - Reading - Elementary (K-6th) - Phonics - Study Skills