Jordan Peterson’s 5 New Year’s Resolutions.

Have you not yet defined your New Year’s resolutions? How about picking one or two from the Canadian clinical psychologist and self-help guru, social media star and author of the best-seller “12 Rules for Life”.

Here are not the 12 Rules but 5 habits you might consider as your New Year’s resolution. 

Jordan Peterson gives excellent advice to your teenage students:

1) Clean up your room. Your room is a reflection of the order or clutter in your head.

3) Eliminate habits that do no serve you, one by one.

5) Learn to write and carefully argument what you stand for.

1. Clean up your room. Your room is a reflection of the order or clutter in your head.

2. Get a productive routine.

3. Eliminate habits that do no serve you, one by one.

4. Strive to create the most value for society you possibly can. Be of service. 

5. Learn to write and carefully argument what you stand for.

I am already doing well with habit one. My room is clean each day. And I can say it spills over into order in my head. Because after the room is clean I am free to work on the order in my business.

Being German by birth, I also do well productivity. It’s our DNA. (habit 2).

But I have bad habits. We all do! I eat too many sweets, waste time on social media and drink too much beer (remember I am German.) Peterson suggests eliminating bad habits one by one. Therefore, eliminating the intake of sweets is my top New Year’s resolution.

As for habit 4, I also think I do well. I provide tons of value to parents and students around the world. TutorZ has helped literally tens of thousand students by connecting with our great tutors. Moreover, I am now ambassador of Free Private Cities. I stand for liberty and self-determination.

There is always room for improving our speech. (Habit 5). What is also important is to defend against governmental encroachments on our freedom of speech.

Dirk Wagner

About Dirk Wagner

Dirk Wagner is owner of Tutorz LLC. He holds a M.S. degree in computer science and has 8 years of experience as software engineer and researcher. Dirk has tutored math and computer science to dozens of students in Southern California. You can find him on Google+, youtube, facebook, twitter, tumblr, quora and pinterest.
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