Category Archives: About Us

Announcements about us: product improvements, web stats, press releases and company events.

The Beginner’s Guide to Writing Great Essay

Essays are ideally meant to defend an idea with evidence and proper analysis. You will probably write several essays in your school life, most of which will require you to be argumentative. Essentially, there is no wrong argument in an … Continue reading

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Summer learning tips

I’m sure your kids are looking forward to no school, relaxing lazy days at the pool and maybe a family vacation to Hawaii. Problem is, I know if I don’t keep my kids academically engaged over the summer, they’ll go … Continue reading

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Five Ways to Make Sure That University Goes Smoothly

When it comes to the transition between high school and university, students can often find themselves lost and not quite knowing what to do. With so many new possibilities opening up through university and so many courses to take, students … Continue reading

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How Would the Free Market Solve the Corona Problem?

It is a fascinating question of how the free market solve the problem of the coronavirus? While I don’t know the exact answer, I strongly believe it would not outlaw flights, travel, events, work and shopping. These are all important … Continue reading

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How the Free Market Distributes Scarce Mask and Transportation During Corona

I am currently in Europe and was caught here when corona-panic broke out. Countries like Italy, Spain, Czechia and Ukraine announced to close their borders within 2 days or so. There was a huge outcry when the airlines increased the airfare … Continue reading

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Melissa O. Now Works With Great Families

On March 4th, 2020, our elementary and special education tutor Melissa Odom surprised us when writing the following lines: Just wanted to thank you again, Dirk!I have gotten several wonderful leads because of TutorZ. I’ve also worked with great families as … Continue reading

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8 Hour Essay Writing Service Provided by Specialists Exists

Whenever you are looking for a rushessay writing service, you shall be confident that you are going to place your essay order with a reliable company online. Only then, you can secure yourself from late delivery and issues with the … Continue reading

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January 28th is Data Privacy Day: Choose Good Passwords and Hardware Wallets, Avoid Sensitive Posts

Today, January 28th is data privacy day. This day should remind us to protect our privacy, control our digital footprint and even to keep our money safe. How do we do that? For starters,  Choose Good Passwords A good password consists of … Continue reading

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The Future is Here: Blockchain & Necessary Academic Credentials

Today, education has already gone a long way compared to what it used to be several decades ago. Still, there are plenty of areas that can be improved with the help of technology. Thus, many universities and schools incorporate different … Continue reading

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5 Most Complicated Subjects at College Today: The Latest Investigation Results

Have you ever thought about how people determine the level of complexity of the assignment, project, or subject?  First of all, they rely on their skills. Thus, for some students, Math is way too complicated because they are more talented … Continue reading

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